Judith Olivia MohanJudith Olivia Mohan is a Sophomore in High School, and this is her first year as a mentor for Ms. US President. She hopes to help young girls feel confident about themselves and achieve greater goals that help benefit our community as a whole.
Judith is passionate about playing the guitar and has had 3 years of experience with it. She loves to draw, write and learn new languages. She shares her likes to the world by sharing her art on social media and by being a part of the school newspaper. Additionally, she is learning/has learned 6 languages so far and aspires to learn more in the future. She also enjoys public speaking and is part of UDL (Urban Debate League) in Career High School, New Haven. With aspirations to pursue a medical career, she enjoys volunteering at hospitals and participating in programs related to helping and nurturing for hospitalized patients. |